Gantt Chart

Gantt Chart

Here is the link to our GitHub repo of our project.

We are currently coming to the end of the first semester. We have completed all the assignments for this semester except for our tech demo which will be completed by next week. After next week, we will use our month break to get started on getting our AWS environment setup, building the main functionality for subsystems, and connecting each subsystem to get a rough draft of the project solution to show our client before next semester.


Our team was provided a budget of $1,000 dollars to complete this project if necessary. The budget will mostly consist of AWS hosting; we will be accessing our database and sending information to our website. Different features on AWS are pay to use. We also might use some of the funds to build a replica SWAPR device.

Project Documents

We have made a fair amount of progress on our project. We have each major document listed out below with a short description:

Task Reports

Task Reports are weekly reports that outline the assignments that we have done, working on, going to work on, and any issues we had that week. Click on the name to see the document.