/* NAU - Team Wulfsberg

Design Process

We decided to split out design process into four main phases: Research, Design, Implementation, and Test.

  • Research
    • During this phase, we researched the communications topics behind our product, as well as found the major parts that will be necessary.
  • Design
    • The design phase would consist of us creating the preliminary design, as well as specifying addition specifications and requirements not originally given to us by the customer.
  • Implementation
    • This phase would consist of actually coding & building our product based on our design.
  • Test
    • The test and redesign (if necessary) of our product.

Originally, we had planned that each design phase to last about 9 weeks each, starting in August and ending at the beginning of May. But as you can see by the timeline below, it didn't work out the way we wanted.

Design Timeline

Please click on one of the following links to hear more about what we did during each phase: