A document that takes inventory of the backgrounds, talents, skills, and interests of each member of LangLens. Provides our client an overview of the team.
A shared agreement between the team concerning the expectations, protocols, and tools that will be followed for the entirety of the 2022-2023 Capstone.
A professional document detailing the in-depth analyzes of the key technical challenges concerning the project and their chosen solutions, as well as the envisioned system architecture including the proposed solutions to each challenge.
A professional document detailing the functional, performance, and environmental requirements associated with the project, as well as the potential risks and plan for development in the 2023 Spring semester.
The step-by-step tech demo flight plan established by the team to demonstrate the key challenges for the LangLens web-app. This document lists the approach for the demonstration and was approved by our mentor prior to the live demonstration.
An "elevator pitch" style video that provides a 3-minute overview of the project and visually sells our product concept to the viewer.
The communication strategies agreed upon by the team for the Spring 2023 semester regarding the expectations for team communication.
The Design Review II presentation as a video. Reviews the current project progress and design choices made for implementation.
The step-by-step alpha prototype demo flight plan established by the team to demonstrate the key functional features fully implemented for the LangLens web-app. This document lists the approach for the demonstration and was approved by our mentor prior to the live demonstration.
The Software Testing Plan is a document that outlines three types of tests that were planned to be conducted on the web-app: Unit, Integration, and Usability. The purpose of these tests was to detect bugs before deployment and provide sustainable, functional code to the client upon final delivery.
The CS Capstone Design UGRAD presentation reviews the entirety of the LangLens capstone experience throughout the Fall 2022 and Spring 2023 semesters. It covers the project problem, solution, requirement acquistion, architecture, implementation, prototype, testing, milestones, challenges and resolutions and future work.
An "elevator pitch" style video that provides a 3-minute overview of the project and visually sells our final product to the viewer.
A complete run down of all the final projects specs, requirements, architecture, testing, and toolchain necessary to continue the project further if desired. An appendix is also included that provides instructions for how to continue developing EducationalAR for future Capstone teams.