Last updated 12/2/2022
At the beginning of the 2022 Fall Semester, we focused on establishing the foundation for the project which meant research the technological feasibility of the web-app, obtaining and refining key functional, performance, and environmental requirements, performing a basic technology demonstration, creating an elevator pitch video to summarize our solution plan, and presenting a Design Review of the basis of the project.
Last updated 4/28/2023
As you probably noticed, our Spring schedule varies quite a lot from our original development plan set in the Fall. This was due to some changes in the way we wanted to go about tackling the implementation of the project in a more dynamic nature to ensure we could test important components after each implementation step. Therefore, at the beginning of the 2023 Spring Semester, we executed our new Implementation Phase hitting our major milestones of the developing and implementing the Text and Object Apps, then creating the Template pages for the Text and Object Modes while training the object models for YOLOv5, next creating the UIs for the Homepage, Text Mode, and Object Mode, and finally deploying to our production environment hosted on a Hostwinds server and custom domain provided by our client, Dr. Okim. Our Testing Phase took place in tandem with each implementation of every major milestone as well as the final Testing Phase which occured in the first two weeks of April. In conclusion, we developed, tested, and deployed the project on-time satsifying Dr. Okim's goals and expectations.