Walnut Canyon Wastewater

Project Information

Image by: Andrew Shipley

Project Background

This project is presented as part of the Arizona Water Association Student Design Competition, in collaboration with the Water Environment Federation (WEF). The Special Planning Area 1 Water Reclamation Facility (SPA 1 WRF) in Surprise, AZ, serves as the primary wastewater treatment plant for the city. Due to increasing wastewater demand, an expansion of the facility’s treatment capacity from 12.8 MGD to 16.3 MGD is required. SPA 1 WRF has five treatment plants on site, one plant being thought of as an oxidation ditch combined with a secondary settling basin. Plants 1 and 2 are antiquated, the remaining three plants collectively provide a capacity of 12.8 MGD. As part of the expansion, Plants 4 and 5 will undergo redesign, while Plant 3 will remain unchanged. The project includes analysis of overall treatment processes, hydraulic analysis, pump selection, solids handling, state permit compliance, and life cycle cost analysis.