Staffing and Cost
Below is the staffing where SENG is the Senior Engineer, ENG is the Engineer, TECH is the Technician, and INT is the intern.
Table 1: Staffing

The staffing shows the hours each personnel spends on each task. For the project overall, the Technician and the Engineer end up spending the most time on the project where the Senior Engineer would spend the least.
Below is the break down of the cost for the personnel, travel, supplies and subcontracts for this project.
Table 2: Cost

The project cost is $66,412 total after adding up the Personnel, Travel, Supplies, and subcontractor. Personnel costs are $62,050 total. It is expected that the team will only need one day to visit the sites to collect tailings, which will result in a total cost of $90. Expected supplies end up totaling to $1,772. This includes the lab fees, supplies for the day visit, and materials needed for the cement mixture being researched.