Project Information
Project Description
The Pilgrim and Magma mine are non-operational and have a notable amount of tailings piles left behind. This project will combine testing and extensive research to determine the best way to stabilize the tailing piles to mitigate migration to nearby communities. There will be a site visit where samples will be collected in order to analysis and design the best mixture needed to stabilize the tailings piles. A series of testing will be done to ensure the designed mixture is efficient and effective.
Project Constraints
The project constraints include having the solidification material pass the leachability test where the contaminants must be under the EPA's allowable limits for arsenic and lead.
US EPA Allowable Limits:
Arsenic = 5 ppm
Lead = 5 ppm
The Magma site is on the left and Pilgrim is on the right. The Magma mine is 2.3 miles east of Highway 93 on the Old Chloride Road, and the Pilgrim site is 5.3 miles west of Highway 93 along an unnamed dirt road.

Map of site in reference to Arizona

Map of site in reference to kingman

Magma Mine Site

Pilgrim Mine Site