Home Project Description Project Requirements Envisioned Solution Project Milestones Implemented Technologies

Project Milestones

Our Project Schedule

This image shows our progress during the project's development, demonstrating when each part of the project was developed. This Gantt chart shows the approximate time frame when each project component was developed, including the main body of the app and its three modules. Our development was relatively issue free, except for some small hiccups involving the development of the mobile application's administrative counterpart, the web application. These bumps were ironed out and all project components were completed and delivered on time.
This page shows our progress in all of the documents that our team has created during the project's development. You can access this project's GitHub repository here.

Team Inventory

This Team Inventory document introduces the team members of Team HealthLit, letting the readers know more about us and some of our interests and hobbies.

Team Standards

This Team Standards document outlines the rules and roles that our team will follow during the development of our app.

Mini Introduction to HealthLit Project

This short presentation introduces our team and our project, talking about the basic aspects of our problem and solution.

Mini Introduction Video to HealthLit Project

This short video presentation introduces our team and our project, talking about the basic aspects of our problem and solution.

Tech Feasibility Analysis

This document outlines all the challenges and solutions that our team expects to encounter during our development of the app.

Tech Demo Flight Plan

This document outlines a short series of tech demos that our team has created to prove the feasibility of our chosen technologies.

Design Review 2 Video

This video serves as the team's second design review and outlines our progress as of March 24th, 2022.

Software Testing Plan

This Software Testing Plan outlines how our team tested both our mobile and web applications to ensure their quality.

HealthLit Project Mini Video

This short video presentation acts as a quick elevator pitch for our completed project.

UGRADS Conference Poster

This poster briefly outlines the HealthLit project in it's entirety, demonstrating the problem that our team faced and how we created a solution to it.

UGRADS Presentation

This is the presentation that the team gave for the HealthLit project at the 2022 UGRADS conference.

Contact Us: dco42@nau.edu