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Project Requirements

Functional Requirements

Module structure: Creation and implementation
Module creation and implementation will take place during the beginning phases of programming the application. Modules will have a lesson that will give the app user the module information and game will correlate to the module.
Data: Storage and analysis
Data of the user's engagment will be stored in our cloud database, Google Firebase. Data that will be stored in Google Firebase includes the user's module and game completion. This data will be viewable in the administor web portal.
Gamification: Visual aesthetic
Games being uploaded to the module will need to be interesting and informative to the application users. The games will use a pixelated aesthetic.
User: Target audience and Ease of Use
Ease of use is a main priority for application users since the target audience is parents of 0-3 years old.

Non-Functional Requirements

Usability means that the app's User Interface will need to be as straight forward as possible while still being engaging. The app will need to be accessible to underprivilaged parents with lower reading capabilities as well.
Game Response
Games will be measured by the way the application user interacts with them. The testing of the games will take into account the time elapsed and completion of the games. Games should take less than 3 minutes to complete and most of the games should be completed in no less than 3 attempts.
For this project we are following the Requirements Specification Document that we have written as a group with the input of our sponsor. This document goes into more details of our project's requirements - both functional and non-functional - and the expectations to be fulfilled by our team.
Access our requirements document here.

Contact Us: dco42@nau.edu