Mother Road Brewing Company Wastewater Pre-Treatment 

Criteria and Weighting

Qualitative Criteria Scores

Quantitative Criteria Scores

Quantitative and Qualitative Data Criteria Weights

The design alternatives were split into their respective BOD and TKN decision matrices below. Each alternative was scored as qualified and quantified above. Each criteria was weighted as the table directly above displays. Once each technology was scored and weighted per each criteria, the total quantitative and qualitative scores were summed separately. These individual scores were then weighted as described in the dark grey box in the table above. 

BOD Decision Matrix

BOD Removal Quantitative Subscores

BOD Removal Qualitative Subscores

BOD Removal Subtotals and Grand Totals

TKN Decision Matrix

TKN Removal Qualitative Subscores

TKN Removal Quantitative Subscores

TKN Removal Subtotals and Grand Totals

The two top scoring alternatives from each decision matrix were selected as the preferred alternatives. These alternatives include the anerobic CSTR, trickling filter, and upflow anaerobic sludge blanket as can be seen from the pink highlighted cells in each matrix.