Mother Road Brewing Company Wastewater Pre-Treatment 

Project Impacts

Pros Cons
Eliminates montly fines from the city Cost of increased electricity usage
Reducing COC limits to acceptable levels helps the WWTP operability Cost of maintenence and construction/materials
Possibility of energy production using methane production Difficulty/expense of handling of methane and carbon dioxide byproduct
Sludge production from the CSTR and settling tank can be used as fertilizer by a local farm Production of sludge may cause a poor odor
Promote sustainable local buisnesses

Pros and Cons of the Project Final Design

The design fulfills the project goal of eliminating MRBC's monthly fines by reducing the effluent COC levels to City of Flagstaff standards. With the selected anaerobic process, methane will be produced which may be converted to energy using cogeneration. The CSTR and settling tank produce sludge that will be transferred to a local farm to be used as fertilizer which helps to promote social goodwill. In addition, the project supports and promotes sustainable local business through its effort in reusing methane and sludge production. In contrast, this project will cause MRBC to pay for increased electricity usage, maintenence, and construction materials and implementation. However, these costs are predicted to be lower than their current fine, and is under budget. Although methane and carbon dioxide can be converted to electricity and heat, there is an expense in reusing these byproducts and the handling of each can be difficult. However, our team has suggested some capture options that may make this process easier. Finally, the production of sludge may cause a sulfur-like odor which may decrease worker motivation and deter customers from the motorcycle dealership next to the facility.