CS476 Course Schedule


Spring 2025
(Tentative. Dates may be adjusted slightly and other assignments may be added)

Topics and Assignments
1 (1/13)

Welcome! First day of class: Friday, 17 January, 2025

Opening Comments and Introduction
Due: Syllabus Quiz, 24 January, see Canvas
2 (1/20)
Holiday Monday

Review/Presentation of available projects

Class: Presentation of projects
3 (1/27)

Project preferences

Assmt: Project Preferences Memo

ASSIGNED: Schedule Mentor meeting times this weekend;

first meeting must occur during week 4 (next week)

Due: Project prefs memo due by:
Wednesday, 5 February at 5:00 pm
in hardcopy (printed) form
at Isaac's office, SICCS 306
(under the door if he is not there).
Projects will be assigned in class
on Friday 07 February

4 (2/3)

Team assignments, Task: Team startup

Assmt: Team Standards Doc and Team Inventory

First formal meeting with Mentor, training on weekly task report

Due: Team Startup task

All mentor meetings:

Paper Version: Paper Weekly task report

You will be graded on these reports every week

5 (2/10)
6 (2/17)

Due: Team initial website

Due: Team Standards and Inventory

7 (2/24) Due: Mini-Intro: live, in-class presentations
Due: Peer Eval #1
Due: Team website, ready for review.
8 (3/3)
Lecture: Prototyping
-- (3/10) --
No Classes
9 (3/17) DUE: Tech. Feasibility draft: Hardcopy (or as specified by your mentor) to mentor
10 (3/24)
Review: Requirements Doc spec, planning
11 (3/31) DUE: Tech. Feasibility final.
Prepared: 3min Team updates, verbally, in class
DUE: Peer Eval #2.
12 (4/7)

Lecture: Configuration Management

Planning for Design Review and Demos

13 (4/14)

Due: Requirements Document Draft to mentor.

Due: Design Review Presentations, dry run with mentors.

Due after DR: Peer Eval #3.

14 (4/21)

DR I and final components preparation

UGRADS Day - No Class

Check out the CS 486c projects

Task: Schedule Prototype demo with mentor

Due: Filled out Tech Demo flight plan to mentor for approval

15 (4/28)

Due: Design review 1 (DR1), delivered live in class!

Due: Requirements Doc FINAL

Due: Website up-to-date and ready for grading.

Due: Approved & scheduled Tech Demo

Due: Project Info mini-video completed

16 (5/5)


Exam Open: 12:30pm - 2:30pm

Take Final on Canvas within this time window.

Task: Course Evaluation

Due by final exam time at latest:

-- Signed Reqs. document to your mentor

-- Tech Demo completed with mentor

-- Peer Eval #4.

-- Proof of Course Eval


In the table above:


Don't forget: