Computer Science Capstone

Guidelines for Team Standards


The key to effective teamwork is shared agreement on the expectations of teammates concerning how the team will function. Standards may range from assigning specific roles to each team member, to establishing protocols for conduct and communication, to agreeing on what tools (version control, word processor, etc.) the team will use. Team standards — of all these kinds — establish a common understanding of expectations, and facilitate efficient and effective collaboration. Without these norms teams have difficulty communicating and cooperating since each individual may have a different interpretation of how things should be done.

The assignment

For this assignment, your team is to prepare a Team Standards specification document, with the following sections: with the following sections:

The wrapper

A nice professional cover page; this and all cover pages for subsequent documents should have the title of the document, the date, the team name, the project sponsor, the team's faculty mentor, and list of team members. A team logo is nice, once you have developed one. Make a good cover page, and you can re-use is all year.

The Intro

Always start with a short introduction paragraph that briefly outlines the purpose and content for the the reader. This way the reader knows what this document is, and what content to expect in upcoming sections.

Team members and roles:

This section should introduce each team member and the role(s) you envision (based on your internal discussion of skills and desires) for that team member, as well as a clear description of the duties involved in fulfilling each identified role. Keep in mind that these roles outline lead responsibilities, but not exclusive ones -- it is expected that all team members will be deeply involved in every aspect of your project. Roles may include, but are not limited to the following helpful examples:

Team Meeting Expectations

This section discusses your agreed upon plan for team meetings, and should include such things as:

Tools and Document Standards

In this section, you'll cover all of the tools you'll use, expectations for how they will be used, and related processes. Some examples include:

Team Self Review

Although we will have regular peer evaluations at the class level, generally associated with major deliverables, it is also important for the team to do its own internal "self reviews". Your Team Standards document should capture how often these get done, and what form they take. For instance, you could decide to do these reviews once a month as part of a regular team meeting. The form could be as formal or informal as you like. For example, you could decide that everyone has to write up a little self-assessment: things I've done well, things I need to work on, plan for improvement and send these to the team leader. A more casual (and perhaps productive) idea might be to have everyone sketch these items out, then go around at a team meeting and have everyone present their items...with ensuing discussion by all. The idea is simply to build in a time for people to give their impressions of their performance (self review), and provide space for others to chime in with agreement, comments, or other productive feedback.


Professionally presented document, in hardcopy or digital as specified by your mentor, at the due date specified on the course schedule. Please submit a version on Canvas by the deadline set by your mentor.