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Computer Science Capstone |
It's easy to come up with the most imaginative and crazy designs: magically updating distributed data stores, super fancy reactive graphical interfaces, massive networks of maps or nodes that all layout automatically and perfectly. We all know, however, that not all designs that you can imagine are feasible, meaning that they can't be implemented within the given cross-section of chosen platform, speed/usability goals, computational limitations, and other factors that frame your particular project. Even when projects are clearly feasible, there is the question of exactly which of many competing technologies (frameworks, database types/brands, packages, etc.) are the best choices for tackling key elements of the project.
For these reasons, it's important to (a) identify the key technological challenges and major design decision that a project presents very early in a project; (b) explore what approaches or existing products might be out there that could address those challenges; and (c) make a preliminary decision on which approach/product the team is going to choose to solve each of these challenges. In this way, the team will prove the feasibility of the project by demonstrating that they have found viable solutions to all of the key design challenges.
The most vital feature of a strong feasibility analysis is that it is done in a structured, data-driven fashion: care must be taken to be sure that all core technological challenges are correctly identified, and that the analysis of potential alternative solutions to each challenge is done carefully, i.e., rather than picking the first package or framework that comes to mind in a semi-random fashion. Too often we've had Capstone teams that have not done this well, and have chosen a technology/framework central to their project that much later – generally as implementation shifts to high gear in spring – have discovered that their chosen technology has major shortcomings. Starting back at the drawing board at that point is, needless to say, extremely stressful and disappointing.
The objective of this assignment is simply to structure your exploration of these feasibility questions, and to answer them in as complete a fashion as possible at this early project stage. Doing a feasibility analysis is a great way to make sure you have your bases covered and can launch into solution design within realistic framework for envisioning your final product.
There are many aspects of "feasibility" that are relevant to the development of a software system: technological, market/competetive, physiological, and so on. Considering all of these might be useful to producing a successful product but, at this point, we are primarily interested in Technological Feasibility. We want to make sure that we understand that key "challenging" aspects of the project/product; identify possible technological solutions to each of them; do some research to convince ourselves that, in fact, our envisioned solution will really work; and then capture that in a document that becomes part of the project documentation. In particular, this feasibility analysis becomes your major element of design rationale for the project, sheds light on why you choose particular solutions to particular problems. Having access to such design rationale has proven to be a major factor in supporting long-term maintainance and further development of a system throughout it's life cycle. Think about it: you are given an existing system to expand/maintain, you read through the as-built document, consult the code (hopefully well-commented), and you invariably ask yourself "why did they do it that way? Why did they choose this algorigthm, this tool, this framework?". The design rationale documentation provides exactly this insight to these higher level design questions; for each of the technological challenges you identify it:
When combined with the technology demo deliverable due near the end of the term, essentially "proves" that you have a solid and realistic foundation for system implementation.
The exact content of a feasibility analysis will vary depending on the exact project, as you might expect; each project has its own unique constraints and technological challenges. Here are a just a few topical areas that might be relevant to your project, just to prime your own thinking:
As always in any design process, your goal here is to proceed in a logical fashion...and to make that "story" clearly visible to your reader in your written report. Overall, you want to start by introducing the project (as in every document!), then introducing the major technical challenges and key design decisions you foresee in your project. You will then have major subsections (generally with identical internal flow) that go though and present your detailed analysis of each design challenge/decision. Here is a basic outline for your document:
Cover Page and TOC: Of course you should have the customary cover page for your report. If any project document is longer than five pages (which this one most certainly is), then you should include a Table of Contents as the second page, outlining the major subsections (but not the sub-sub sections, subsubsub-sections etc...don't index every single heading!)
Introduction: Every single document related to a project should have an introduction; you never just dive into the meat of things! Think of our story-telling metaphor! In this introduction, you are briefly going to "sell" your project: remind people why it's important and how amazing your solution vision is. Here is the flow:
A good intro section is absolutely critical. In real life, many managers/investors are going to read the intro of your document...and if that doesn't grab their attention, they won't really bother with the rest. You should see this project intro section as an investment for your entire capstone year: you can essentially re-use this intro section on all project documents, refining it a bit more each time, until it appears on your final project report! In term of length: it's hard to do a good intro in less than 0.75 pages...and if it stretches beyond about 1.5 pages that it's too lengthy.
Segue into the main document body: A "segue" is transition, or bridge, between the sections of a document. Think of them as the glue that smooths the way between topics and helps the whole thing flow. You'll want them throughout your document, as you transition from talking about one thing to talking about another. They often sound something like this "Now that we have established that X,Y, we are ready to turn to a more a careful analysis of Z. In the next section, we <outline topics>." As your first segue from the intro discussion into the main document, you'll want to turn from talking about the project in general to telling the reader what role the upcoming document plays and how it is structured. So something like "At this early stage in the project, we are in the process of analyzing the key technological challenges, identifying possible alternatives, and selecting which of those alternatives are the most promising solutions." Ok, good, now go on to briefly outline how your discussion will be organized: "In this Technological Feasibility Analysis document, we begin by analysing the major technological challenges we expect <blah blah>; in the subsequent major subsections, we then analyze each of these areas carefully in turn, looking at alternatives, how we explored these, and rationale for choosing a particular solution; in Section Z, we then...". You get the picture: outline how your argument will flow.
Having outlined your "story" in this way, you now just launch into providing the flesh on the bones:
Technological Challenges: In this section, you will outline all of the major "technological needs/challenges" that you see facing in your project. Of course, you may discover others later, but the whole point of this exercise is to think carefully at this early point, to avoid those surprises later on. So every major piece of the system that you can envision having to deal with based on what you know so far should be covered. These are essentially "high level requirements" for your system, things that it'll have to do...which raise the question of "how are we going to implement that?" The detailed contents here will, of course, vary widely depending on the project details; no two will be identical within our class! Just as examples, you might have things like:
You get the picture: every team will need to brainstorm to think about the specific technological hurdles they need to overcome. The emphasis here is on "major" and on "hurdles". There's no need to worry or talk about design details that are minor and unproblematic. You're not doing the full design here, you're trying to highlight and treat the major design decisions.
Technology Analysis: This is the meat of your whole feasibility analysis; it constitutes the bulk of this document! In the intro/segue to this section, you will introduce the major technological issues or design decisions that you have identified as critical to project success in your early project explorations with the client. In the following major (3-5 page) subsections, you will then work through each of these issues in detail, describing the issue, your detailed, analysis, and its outcome. Specifically, each subsections will likely have its own subsections as follows:
Technology Integration: In this section, you need to bring it all together. You've introduced individual challenges and how you plan to solve them...but how will all of these "micro-solutions" come together into a coherent overall system. A great way to organize this is to write an little intro where you segue in, then talk about needing to put all the pieces together into a coherent architecture that is capable of satisfying all of the product requirements. You then introduce a "system diagram" of your envisioned system that shows how the major elements relate to each other. What things are connected to others, what things are inside or part of others, how data or tasks flow between them. Then you briefly walk through the diagram in subsequent narrative, making it clear how the parts work together within the broader product you're building. This is essentially a first cut at envisioning an overall software architecture for your system.
Conclusion: No document is ever complete without a conclusion. What you're trying to do in any conclusion is to (a) remind reader of the problem and how important it is; (b) summarize what you've covered in the document, including a few highlights; and (c) close in conveying the sense that you've done a complete and competent job...and how you'll now be moving forward with the projects next steps. Keep in mind that many busy readers (e.g. your boss/division manager/CEO) will read just two things: the document intro, and the conclusion.
To provide learning feedback and give a chance for you to improve the document, we will be doing this document in two steps: A "Initial submission (draft)" phase; after you get feedback on that, you will then submit the final report. Deliverables: