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Computer Science Capstone |
All Capstone teams must create a website on the CEFNS archival server to professionally document your projects. Because these sites are archival, they will remain around forever, and are an excellent piece for your portfolio showcasing projects you have worked on. This is commonly something that employers are interested in..and you can then just point them at this site. As such, it's worth putting some effort into making it nice.
In recent years, we have transitioned to an increasingly streamlined, fool-proof model more handling the team websites: As Capstone teams are formed, the responsible Capstone organizers in each discipline format up a list of teams and associated uids. ITS then uses a scripted process to create the new subfolders in the right places on the CEFNS archival server, sets permissions to allow all team members to edit the website, and then notifies Capstone organizers that this has been done. These blanks sites are then ready for you to add your content.
Your job in this first mini-task is to load an initial index.html page into your website, and ensure that the site is accessible. The index.html page can be your team logo, contact info and an "under construction" message for now. The task is just to get the site started. You will need a fully functional and gorgeous site by the end of the term.
Once you are notified that the bare websites have been set up, you can check the URL for accessing your website appears at by going to http://www.cefns.nau.edu/capstone/d4p/ and then deselect everything but CS. You will see all this year's projects listed. Click on yours to go to your home page. Note that this could well show an error, if the raw site is truly empty and has no default index.html file in it. This is something you should fix first thing by creating and installing the "in-progress page" mentioned above.
So how do you get stuff loaded into the website?
This depends on how you like to manage your websites (Dreamweaver or other editor, FTP). Ultimately, the best way to push files to your website will be through FTP to the CEIAS archival Capstone server. Here is the ITS Knowledge Base article you'll want to consult for details:
Note that I'm taking care of the first step for you, i.e., make the request to get the bare sites created. I'll let you know when ITS tells me that's done, and you take it from there.
You will need to have a fully functioning website soon, nicely organized and up-to-date with all of your team documents. You then add documents and other content throughout the Capstone process, to end up with a fabulous archival website for your project at the end. You can see the specs and more details regarding the team website on the Website Assignment spec page. The key for now is to develop a nice website site layout capable of containing all information about your project...it will then be easy to flesh it out as you go along.