Simulation Results

After some research, we concluded that Grade 5 bolts of diameter ½” have a minimum yield strength of approximately 6.3 x 10^8 N/M^2 and used this to determine whether or not the simulations met the required standards.
Our team determined that Method A passed three of the four simulations. Method A failed at simulation C, which was 5,000 lb pulling force from the center of the chair. The two other installation methods failed three out of the four tests. This can be seen in RED and GREEN outlines around the simulation results.
It is our team's suggestion that implementing the use of eight 2 inch (threaded 1.25 inches), grade 8 bolts, with a ½” diameter would provide the necessary yield strength to the mounting plates and bolts in order to fulfill simulation C for method A.
From these results, it is observed that Method A is clearly the best installation process, which also makes it the safest. Lastly, our team believes that “straddling” any chairs would not be safe and should be avoided. These installation methods may be sufficient but that is at least not what our findings were.
After multiple FEA simulation runs, the data obtained show that installation method B and C do not meet the current standards set by FMVSS 210. Method A was the method that passed the most simulations.
It is inconclusive to determine the efficiency of the straddle technique. An improvement the team proposes to implement in the current installation process is to replace the use of Grade 5 bolts with Grade 8 bolts. Although Grade 8 bolts have a higher stiffness, their yield strength would be sufficient to pass simulation C in installation method A, which is the only test that failed for that installation method.
With more time, additional FEA simulations could be conducted to test dimensions of the plate such as area and the location of the plates when straddling.