Problem statement, requirements, and assumptions.

Problem Statement

To provide a reusable and cheap replacement for the Lego Mindstorms kits that uses open source, easy-to-use hardware and software. This kit will be used in the EGR286 class at Northern Arizona University and must meet the learning objectives of that class.


A286 Group will provide:

  • Project management, Engineering and CAD expertise for the project.
  • A functional prototype of the finished design.
  • A286 will include a subsection of electrical engineers (EE).

CEFNS will provide:

  • Assistance in the form of advice and resources to A286.
  • Clear goals for the final design.


  1. Robot maintenance
    1. Powered by batteries
    2. Replaceable batteries
    3. Replaceable control brick and auxiliary board
  2. A combination of sheet metal and plastic housing parts for sensors and motors
  3. Wireless communication between robots
  4. Connection system
    1. Half of the curriculum’s current projects possible out of box
    2. Other half possible by student fabricated parts
    3. A system for building extensible robots from regular and similar parts
  5. Computer connection
    1. A way to read program output
    2. Download programs from computer to robot
    3. Must be compatible with Microsoft Windows operating system
    4. Programs written in a C-like language
  6. Packaged as a kit with a complete set of parts, sensors, and control brick
    1. Dimensions and weight must be feasible for shipping and transportation