Significant Milestones

Works like prototype - February 8th, 2011
A prototype demonstrating the functionality of the motors, sensors, screen, and microcontroller. This works-like prototype exists to check compatibility and functionality of the motors and sensors with the Arduino microcontroller. At this time, finished plugs will not be used, the wires and pins on the controller will be exposed to allow for easy access to making modifications on the fly.
Construction components - March 1st, 2011
This deliverable is a presentation of the main construction parts in the final product. The construction components include the structural beams, gears, shafts, wheels, and fasteners. In addition to the construction components, the CAD drawings of all components will be available as well as contacts of suppliers for mass production.
Enclosures for motors and sensors - March 29th, 2011
The enclosure will provide a casing for the microcontroller and auxiliary electronics required by the motors and sensors. The casing will provide a plug system to interface the motor and sensor wires with microcontroller wiring. The casing will also allow for construction components to be attached directly to the case.
Final Product - April 19th, 2011
The final product will be the summation of Team A286 capstone project and will include a prototype of the completed robotics kit with all enclosures and construction components. In addition, full documentation on the fabrication methods for every component will be provided, as well as the result of all testing for both material strength and usability of the kit.