Competition Photos
We have returned from the 2011 HPVC East in Indianapolis, Indiana! Below are photos of the trip.

Preparing the trailer for the journey to Indiana.

After a late night of finishing the vehicle, everyone was exhausted.

We quickly learned that open trailers are not the best for cross-country travel. We needed a new tarp after only 400 miles!

A late night dinner at an Oklahoma City IHOP.

The open trailer did not help keep our bike together. We lost several components, which resulted in more work to keep the vehicle competition-ready.

A late night at the hotel in Indiana to fix the vehicle up.

More work on the vehicle in the hotel.

Showing the judges how our fabric fairing attaches to the vehicle during visual inspection at compeitition.

The view from the the driver's seat of the vehicle.

Judges and competitors alike were impressed with our drive system.

Preparing for brake tests, turning tests, and speed tests at technical inspection.

The vehicle with the full fairing attached for the sprint event.

Action shot during the sprint event on the Indianapolis Speedway.

Just a few of the many human powered vehicles on the track during the enduracnce event.

The team and riders with the vehicle after competition.