About Us
Mason Gerace
Senior majoring in Electrical Engineering with an emphasis in Computer Engineering
Group Roles:
- Document Coordinator
- Project Website Coordinator
- Secretary
Coding languages:
- C
- C++
- Java
- Python
- Assembly Languages
- HDL Verilog
- Microprocessors Experience
- Computer Architecture experience
- Data Structure experience
- Circuit analysis
Joshua Pollock
Senior majoring in Electrical Engineering with an emphasis in Computer Engineering. Minoring in Computer Science and Mathematics
Group Roles:
- Client Liason
- Faculty Technical Advisor Liason
- Project Website Coordinator
- Presentation Coordinator
Coding languages:
- C
- C++
- Java
- Python
- Assembly Languages
- SQL, HTML, PHP, Javascript
- Experience with Arduinos and other microcontrollers
- Skilled with prototyping and breadboarding
- Computer architecture
- Semiconductor memories
- Probe Test Engineering
- 3D CAD and Circuit Design
Alenn Wright
Intending a Computer Engineering degree
Group Roles:
- Treasurer
- Vendor Liason and Buyer
- Project Website Coordinator
Coding languages:
- C
- Java
- Python
- Assembly
- Some web design(Html Css, JS)
- HDL Verilog
- Great Understanding of Digital Logic
- Worked With Arduinos and Rpi's
- Fabrication of Plastic and resin objects
- Soldering experience
- Wireless Weather Boat
- Voltmeter
- Basic AI Networking
- Digital Level