
Our process for making GeekSurvey into a reality.

Project Description

As it currently stands, researchers have a difficult time connecting with willing and qualified participants for software engineering research opportunities. Software engineering researchers have tried both social media apps and emails to recruit potential research participants, but to little success. Currently, a response rate of 5-10% is deemed acceptable. The team here at SuperGeeks believes that we can do better. We aim to develop a secure, web-based platform that will effectively and efficiently manage software engineering research recruiting efforts. Our platform aims to produce valid, reliable, and relevant data for our clients and other software engineering researchers. The initial concept for this project was provided by our sponsor, in the form of a Capstone Project Proposal.

Schedule, Resources, and Budget

A simplified overview of our schedule showing the project plan can be seen below. SuperGeeks must complete initial development on GeekSurvey by May of 2022. Development strategy details can be found in documents such as Technical Feasibility, Requirements Specification, Software Design Document, and the Final As-Built Report. As of May 2022, the project has not used any monetary resources, as it is hosted for free through Oracle Cloud. Current progress is a feature-complete MVP and a git repository for GeekSurvey which can be found at the official SuperGeeks GitHub organization.

Condensed Geeksurvey Project Plan

Our complete schedule can be found in our documents below.


CS476 Requirements Engineering - Fall 2021

Team Inventory - Information about the team members.

Team Standards - Standards of conduct for the team.

Project Mini Introduction - Slides from a short presentation about the project overall.

Tech Feasibility - Research about the feasibility of some chosen solutions.

Design Review #1 - Slides from the Design Review #1 presentation, which outlines initial progress, requirements, challenges and risks, and project plan.

Mini Video - A short elevator-pitch presentation for GeekSurvey.

Requirements Specification - Official requirements for the MVP we will deliver Spring of 2022.

Technical Demo - Plan to demo initial technical challenges faced by the team and how they were addressed, as well as plans to reduce risk for additional challenges.

CS486C Capstone Experience - Spring 2022

Communication Memo - Team communication standards for the second half of the senior capstone sequence.

Software Design Document - Outlines planned implementation and architecture of project.

Design Review #2 - Slides from the Design Review #2 presentation, which outlines continuing progress, requirements, initial implementation, challenges and their resolutions, and continuing project plan.

Alpha Prototype Demo - Plan to demo use case scenarios and known short-comings of the alpha prototype.

Software Testing Plan - Plan to conduct unit, integration, and usability testing, as well as testing methods and challenges associated with each.

Design Review #3 - Slides from the Design Review #3 presentation, which outlines continuing progress, requirements, continuing implementation, challenges and their resolutions, continuing project plan, and testing plan.

UGRADS Poster - Project poster presented at NAU's 2022 Undergraduate Expo and Symposium.

UGRADS Presentation - Slides from project presentation presented at NAU's 2022 Undergraduate Expo and Symposium, which outlines the requirements, near-final implementation, challenges and their resolutions, project plan, testing plan and results, and future work.

Final Mini Video - The finalized, short elevator-pitch presentation for GeekSurvey.

Final Product Acceptance Demo - Plan to demo use case scenarios and known short-comings of the final product.

Final As-Built Report - Includes an overview of the project, as well as an appendix with instructions for setting up the development environment and toolchain for continuing work.

Team Reflection Document - A team reflection on the software design process, software development tools used, and teaming and project management.

Task Reports - Our weekly task reports for the Spring 2022 semester.

Complete Development Schedule - Our software development and deliverable schedule.