Welcome to the Documents and Presentations Archive

Explore Our Written Progress So Far

About this Page

This page is used to archive our documents and presentations and showcase our work throughout this capstone expierence.

Last updated April 27, 2019.

Deliverable Documents

This section includes all of our required deliverables by the CS 476 and CS 486C courses. Examples include our requirements, technological feasability report, etc.

Software Requirements Specification

The requirements for our solution for CPCESU.

Technological Feasability Analysis

Our technological and integration problems and solutions summarized

Software Design Document

Design requirements for determining software functionality, usability, and more.

Software Testing Document

Describes our testing methodologies: unit tests, integration tests, and usability tests.

Formal Presentations

This section includes all of our required presentations by the CS 476 and CS 486C courses. Examples include our design reviews, poster for the Undergraduate Research Symposium, etc.

Mini intro photo
Design Review 1 photo

Design Review 1

A presentation centered a grand overview of our project. Key areas include the project problems, solutions, requirements, risks, and plans.

CS 476 - Fall 2018

Design Review 2

A presentation revolving around software design and architecture. Other important aspects is showing current progress and challenges.

CS 486C - Spring 2019

Mini intro photo
Design Review 3 photo

Design Review 3

The last design presentation. This time, it was centered on the current status of the project (including a lot of progress photos) and testing methodologies.

CS 486C - Spring 2019

Presentations at NAU Undergraduate Symposium - April 26, 2019

"Northern Arizona University’s 11th annual Undergraduate Symposium – a campus wide celebration of student achievement. More than 1,000 students from across all colleges will come together to share their creative discoveries and present in-depth research and scholarly work to their peers, professors, and the University and Flagstaff communities." Learn more about the official UGRADS website.

Mini intro photo

Oral Presentation

A grand presentation covering all of the aspects of our project. From understanding our client to testing and final steps, the slides were made for a general audience.

Morning Presentation in Grand Canyon Room, Union, 10:10am to 10:30am


This poster was created to quickly and easily convey what our project is about. It was presented in a public forum.

Afternoon Presentation in Panel 18C, Union Fieldhouse, 2pm to 4pm

  • v1.0 - PDF
Image of poster

Miscellaneous Documents and Resources

These will be available as they are written and approved for publishing.

Communication Memo

Link: PDF
Used for communicating how the rest of the semester meetings will be conducted for our various meetings.

Product Alpha Testing

Link: Flightplan PDF
Before Spring Break in March, we presented our product in its present form to our mentor with a flight plan and conducted basic acceptance and user testing.

Prototype Testing

Link: Flightplan PDF
To test our techonlogies, we created a prototype in November. Before finals week in December, we walked through this flightplan to showcase important features.

Team Inventory

Link: PDF
Includes tailored resumes to this product and conveying information such as skills and expierence to our client.

Team Standards

Link: PDF
This document is describes the majority of our operations as a team such as conducting meetings, organizing repositories, dividing work, etc..

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