Meet the Team, the Mentors, the Clients, and the Intern!

View Who We Are and Understand What We Do

The Team - ECOders - Northern Arizona University

The group of Computer Science seniors attending Northern Arizona University under the School of Informatics, Computing, and Cyber Systems and the College of Engineering, Informatics, and Applied Sciences tasked with this capstone project.

Colton Nunley Profile Picture

Colton Nunley

System Architect

Customer Relations

Quality Assurance Manager

Jasque Saydyk Profile Picture

Jasque Saydyk

Business Analyst


Release Manager

The Mentors

The Project Mentors oversee the capstone expierences to assure that the quality and standards of the courses are upheld.

The Systems Administrator

Clinton Baker

Systems Administrator, Senior

ITS, Northern Arizona University

Since our client is hosted by NAU, it only made sense to have NAU manage their new project management system. Enter Clint, our primary point of contact for information technology. Clint has helped with various aspects of this project, specifically, what software is supported by the university, how we will be able to deploy the solution, and troubleshooting software and hardware issues.

Rebecca Dyball Profile Picture

The Clients - Colorado Plateau Cooperative Ecosystem Study Unit (CPCESU)

The CPCESU works with federal and non-federal partners to conduct projects for the stewardship and management of cultural, natural, and social resources in the United States. Agreements are made between partners to support research, technical assistance, education, and for creating long-standing resource management policies. CPCESU is a part of a larger national organization, the Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Units (CESU) Network. The Colorado Plateau Unit is hosted by Northern Arizona University's School of Forestry in Flagstaff, Arizona.

Dr. James Allen Profile Picture

Dr. James Allen


Northern Arizona University

Dr. Todd Chaudhry Profile Picture

Dr. Todd Chaudhry

Research Coordinator

National Park Service

Laurie Thom Profile Picture

Laurie Thom

Program Coordinator

Northern Arizona University

The CPCESU Intern

Rebecca Dyball Profile Picture

Rebecca Dyball

Computer Science Intern

Northern Arizona University

During the first semester of capstone (August 2018 to December 2018), Rebecca "Becca" Dyball, a former Computer Science intern for the CPCESU, helped by providing technical assistance and helping us acquire technical domain knowledge about the CPCESU and their project workflow and management.