Project Information


    Diabetes mellitus is a chronic condition characterized by elevated blood glucose levels. The reason for these elevated blood glucose levels is due to one’s insulin, a hormone produced by the pancreas to filter sugar from your blood, not functioning properly. It is a disorder that currently affects over 30 million Americans. The vast majority of people with diabetes (~90%) have Type II diabetes. Those with Type II have grown resistant to their body’s insulin over a long period of time (usually decades) and have a reduced capacity for blood sugar regulation. Causes of type 2 diabetes are often attributed to having a family history of diabetes, as well as a poor diet and exercise routine. Because of their high blood sugar levels, people with type 2 diabetes suffer from frequent hunger, increased thirst, fatigue, and blurred vision. Since diabetes is considered to be an irreversible condition, people with type 2 diabetes are left only to manage their condition for the remainder of their lives through various recommended strategies, including monitoring of blood sugar, carbohydrate intake, and medication use. However, type 2 diabetes prevention programs can successfully lower diabetes incidence.

    One such program is the lifestyle arm of the Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP). This was designed to prevent future cases of diabetes by finding high-risk patients and offering moderate lifestyle and diet changes. These high-risk patients are usually overweight and have intermediate elevated blood sugar levels that do not yet meet the criteria for type 2 diabetes. This state describes the condition of prediabetes, and the US Department of Health and Human Services estimates that a third of US adults meet the criteria for prediabetes as of 2015. The DPP’s goal is to reduce the patient’s body weight by 7% and, in doing so, the DPP is successful in delaying and even preventing a future diabetes diagnoses. On average, a patient’s risk of diabetes onset is reduced by 58%, as well as 45% of program participants self-identified as an ethnic or racial minority.

    A problem these prevention programs are facing is the completion rates among their participants. Native Americans have the highest withdrawal rate from the DPP with approximately one-third prematurely dropping out of the 16-session program. Reasons for not completing the program or what can lead to someone dropping out are complex and hard to grasp. The current technique for finding out these reasons is through Ecological Momentary Assessment (EMA). In EMA, the methodology is to frequently ask the participants to record what they are feeling in the moment as a means for researchers to find disparities. Since it is currently implemented through phone-surveys conducted by the researchers, EMA is expensive, time consuming, and intrusive for research participants. In order to improve retention, SugarCoded is deploying a mobile app and web portal to aid with EMA research. This will allow surveys to be completed through participant’s mobile phones and for researchers to prepare and deploy surveys to these participants via the web portal. By aiding researchers with our product, we can help increase the effectiveness of EMA research and in turn, help increase retention rates in diabetes prevention programs.


    Our project development was divided into two main components, a mobile application and a web portal. Due to the short period of time that we had for the capstone, we used a very rapid development process which involved attacking different modules within each of our separate components according to priority. The initial phases of development included establishing the base functionality of each component (i.e., setting the bare bones skeletons). After ensuring our components were fully functional, we started UI design. This stage of development involved iterative meetings with our Capstone sponsor to make sure that our project met our given requirements/sponsor’s expectations. Chantz and Alfonso worked together to develop the Web Portal, Julian developed the Mobile Application, and John helped provide some necessary functions to both components. Our team used GitHub as our version control system, to ensure all members of our team had access to the code base. The team met once a week to delegate tasks and discuss progress on current ones. If more meetings were needed for code merging or presentation practice we would find a common time that worked for everyone. Slack was the main form of intrateam communication and served its purpose well. The team met all deliverable dates and worked cohesively as a unit throughout the entire school year.


At a high level the team was tasked with delivering a functioning app that is able to collect momentary data on various psychological, social, dietary, and physical activity experiences. To develop the following requirements the team has been through multiple client meetings since the start of the project, bouncing ideas off of Dr. Dmitrieva until we found feasible requirements that satisfy her needs. After our technical feasibility was laid out we discussed among the team requirements that can be implemented using the technologies we chose to work with.

  • Keeping Track of Participant’s Data: Each research participant will need to have their information easily identifiable, and stored and accessible separate from everyone else.
  • Participant Self Reporting: Users need to be able to report on key behaviors such as when they have eaten something, and how they were feeling at the time.
  • Send reminders / direct users to questionnaires: The administrator needs to be able to set push notifications to be delivered to users at certain intervals and direct users to additional questionnaires.
  • Question Delivery Protocols: Must support creating, editing, and delivering complex question protocols including the ability to specify timing, events, or user initiated protocols.
  • Administrative Abilities: The researcher requires the ability to setup and manage study participants, and download datasets from the research for analysis.
  • Hybrid application: The mobile application should work for both Android and IOS as to not alienate the majority of research participants.
  • Baseline Questions: Administer a cross-sectional survey at a single point in time. Use participants answers from these surveys and consecutive time-based questions to tailor the application to uniquely fit each individual.
  • Time-Based Questions: Administer key questions about psychological/social context at both regular predetermined intervals as well as at specific times dependent on the user. The appication should identify "interruptable" times based on each individuals waking hours, work schedule, etc.
  • Participant-Initiated Logs: Allow participants to log an eating event and all the characteristics of said eating event.


  • Languages and Tools: Typescript, HTML, Firebase data manager
  • Web and Mobile Framework: Ionic and Cordova
  • Database: Firestore
  • Libraries: React, Materialize, Firebase

