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Automatic Citations in Microsoft Word through BibTex

The Problem

Many computer related conferences sponspored by the leading technical, professional organizations (ACM, IEEE, AMS) require or encourage documents written in TeX. Conferences outside of the realm of computers require the use of Microsoft Word files. Furthermore, many interdiciplinary grant proposals also require Microsoft Word because there are few fields outside of computer science, mathematics, and electrical engineering that utilize the TeX typesetting system.

Working across these publishing boundaries becomes inefficient and time consuming as bibliographic work developed in TeX does not transfer easily to Word.

Our Solution

We plan to remedy this problem by bridging the gap between Microsoft Word and TeX documents.

WibTeX RMS Solution Diagram
Our solution is a citation management system that automatically generates in-text citations and an appropriate reference page within a Word document - based on a supplied BibTeX document. This system will support mutilple citation formats and allow the user to focus on the important work rather than tedious busywork.