- The WibTeX RMS is designed as a monolithic architecture
- The WibTeX RMS is developed entirely in the Python programming language
![WibTex Architecture](Images/architecture.png)
Bibtex Parser
Bibtex Parser is an external Python package that extracts reference data from a BibTeX database. Bibtex Parser not format reference data and so this must be handled by the WibTeX RMS.
Jinja2 is an external Python package. Jinja2 is a templating engine that allows for the dynamic substitution of textual data. Jinja2 is used within WibTeX RMS to dynamically construct formatted reference data.
Document Manipulation
The Document Manipulation module handles all aspects of the system related to Microsoft Word documents: extracting BibTeX markup, inserting formatted reference data, and saving modified data to new Word documents.
Citation Styles
The Citation Styles module is responsible for the generation of formatted reference data. The module receives BibTeX reference data, citation style format data, and the list of citations from the user’s supplied Microsoft Word document to construct the appropriate references.
User Interface
![WibTex GUI](Images/gui.png)
The User Interface module is responsible for acting as the point of entry for the user. The User Interface module is capable of deploying a graphical user interface that allows users to input Microsoft Word documents and BibTeX databases, choose reference styles, and choose the output document.