Project Description:Â
The purpose of this project is to investigate, analyze and design a stormwater infrastructure in the Mount Elden basin that concentrates in the West Street Wash in east Flagstaff. The stormwater needs to be managed more efficiently and is still causing issues to the infrastructure surrounding it and minimal changes have been made to the system to be able to handle the 100 year flows. The current infrastructure has an insufficient capacity rating for the level of stormwater flow that it often endures. The current systems requires a redesign to handle the 100 year floods. The consequence of these under designed storm drain systems is massive pollution in runoff water as well as devastating flood events. West Street Wash is an area located in Coconino County which is in the North-Central Part of Arizona. Â

Overland Flow Entering The Basin (BMX Park)

Flow Paths at The Basin (BMX Park)

West Street Wash Pipe Outlet
Project Constraints :Â
Right of Way / Private Property Limitations
Public Acceptance (viewability and functionality)Â
Traffic Control (nearby schools)
Weather Conditions
Project Tasks:
Task 1: Site ResearchÂ
Preform a site research and mark where the wash reaches. Review previous as-builts.Â
Task 2: Site InvestigationÂ
Documenting relevant data such as topography, identify all flow paths, high and low discharge points, soil types, vegetation changes and the effect of project site on surrounding infrastructure. Â
Task 2.1: Site VisitÂ
The team will visit the West wash street and assess the entire was and infrastructure will be documented.
Task 2.1.1: Land SurveyingÂ
Task 2.1.2: Document Existing InfrastructureÂ
Task 2.2: Data AnalysisÂ
Review as-builts which include past improvements preformed to the storm water system and using surveying data points to create topography maps.Â
Task 2.2.1: Review As-Builts DesignsÂ
Task 2.2.2: Survey Data AnalysisÂ
Task 3: Hydrologic AnalysisÂ
The team will obtain the watershed and precipitation data provided by the City of Flagstaff to preform multiple data analysis. Â
Task 3.1: Watershed DelineationÂ
The team will use the NRCS software to acquire a delineation of the project area watershed. Â
Task 3.2: Determine the Time of Concentration
 The time of concentration will be found using the a remote spot and the outlet of the watershed. Â
Task 3.3: Determine Storm IntensityÂ
  The storm intensity will be found by using the NOAA Atlas 14 data for the project area location.Â
Task 3.4: Calculate RunoffÂ
The runoff calculation will be preformed with accordance to the Coconino County Code requirement.Â
Task 4: Analysis of Existing InfrastructureÂ
The existing culverts, drains and open channels will be analyzed to determine their maximum flow capacities.Â
Task 5: Design AnalysisÂ
The team will analyze several approaches to the most efficient solution to the capacity issue in the West Street Wash.
Task 5.1: Identify Constraints and Criteria
The location of this project will put many constraints on construction and access to the infrastructure in the area due to the amount of private land surrounding the wash. Â
Task 5.2: Analysis of AlternativesÂ
The team will develop design alternatives to improve the current infrastructure.Â
Task 5.3: Selection of Best Alternative
The team will utilize a detailed decision matrix to determine the best alternative solution for the wash.Â
Task 6: Final DesignÂ
This step reinforces the team’s final design decision and will support the conclusion of the decision matrix of task 5.3.Â
Task 7: Create Construction PlansÂ
The team will build a set of construction plans including existing infrastructure and site plan and profile views, as well as culvert/storm sewers outlet and inlet drawings.Â
Task 7.1: Drafting and DetailingÂ
Task 7.2: Final ReviewÂ
Task 8: Construction Cost EstimateÂ
An estimate for project cost will be carefully assembled to be presented to the client.Â
Task 9: Analyze ImpactsÂ
The team will analyze how the change in the wash will affect the environment negatively and positively.Â
Task 10: Project DeliverablesÂ
The project will be completed by project deliverables in four sections outlined by the following tasks 1-11.
Task 10.1: 30% DeliverableÂ
This will include the completion of Tasks 1, 2, 3, and 7.Â
Task 10.2: 60% DeliverableÂ
This will include the completion of Tasks 4, 5, 6, and 7.Â
Task 10.3: 90% DeliverableÂ
This will include the completion of Tasks 7, 8, and 9.Â
Task 10.4: Final DeliverableÂ
This deliverable will be the final proposal for the project including data from all previous deliverables as well as exclusions and project management aspects.Â
Task 11: Project ManagementÂ
Task 11.1: MeetingsÂ
The team will meet with the client, the Technical Advisor, and Grading Instructor regularly.Â
Task 11.2: Schedule ManagementÂ
The schedule master will be utilized by the team to update and keep track of the project progress.Â
Task 11.3: Resource ManagementÂ
The team will track staff hours and budget to ensure a final project that was completed within the parameters of budget.Â
Gantt Chart:
The Gantt chart below provides the team duration of this project which is going to require 64 working days to complete all tasks which have been listed accordingly. The project will begin on 01/20/2023 and will be completed on 05/10/2023.Â

Staffing Chart:
The estimated Staffing Charts below include the project planned staffing breakdown.
Table 1: Staffing Chart Breakdown

Table 2: Staffing Chart Summary for all required Positions.

Cost of Engineering Services :
The tables below include the breakdown of the Cost of Engineering Services for this project.
Table 3: Billing Price (hourly) for all required Positions and Staffing Cost.