Design Alternatives & Selection of Preferred Alternative
Option 1
The team calculated the open channel specifications based on the determined hydrologic parameters. See Appendix E for more details about the design specifications.
Option 2
Two culvert alternatives were developed and are shown below based on the alternative maps and their placements. The complete culvert master reports. The following table shows the two alternatives considered and each design for each culvert. The entrance type, flow regime discharge rate, velocity, control type, shape, material, section size, number of sections, lengths, and meanings coefficient were all compared to choose the final alternative

The first figure shows the basic hydraulic structures needed to control the flow at the site and their general location. This is proposed as the first alternative, as it uses one culvert that re routs the flow directly from both flow directions out of the property. However, this alternative must build an open channel through a steep hill that divides the two flow paths. Therefore, the cost of excavation and proper installation will have an overbearing cost when the project is complete.

The figure shows the basic hydraulic structures needed to control the flow at the site and their general location. This is proposed as the second alternative. In this case, the alternative avoids the steep hill and proposes a two culvert solution, which intercepts both the flow directions Individually. Thus, re routing the flow at the same manner as the first alternative.