The finalized schedule for the Saguaro National Park Parking Lot Design and Assessment presents the period in which the team completely finished the tasks proposed for the project . It demonstrates the timeline of the project from the start through the completion by task as identified in Sections 2.0 through 9.0 in the Final Report .
The total duration of the project will be over about 156 days (August 2020-November 2020). The major tasks of the schedule include: Existing Due Diligence, On Site Investigation, Geotechnical Analysis, Site Surveying Analysis, Hydrology and Hydraulics Analysis, Traffic and Visitation Statistics, Parking Lot Design and Development, Construction Plan Set, Construction Costs, Project Management, and Impact Analysis.
The schedule below is an updated version after all taks were complete for the Final Design . Refer to the Final Gantt Chart in Figure 4 to view the finalized schedule.
The required deliverables of this project include: 30%, 60%, 90%, final plan set and website. The 30% submittal will cover Tasks 1-3 with a report and presentation following the submittal. 60% submittal will cover edits on Task 1-3 as well as the addition of Tasks 4-6 with a report and presentation following the submittal. 90% submittal will cover all the edits on Tasks 1-6 and an addition of Task 7-8 as well as an initial website, report and presentation following the submittal. The final deliverable will cover edits of Tasks 1-8 and a final website and report are due at the end of Fall 2020 semester and a presentation will be completed during Undergraduate presentations.
The critical path is shown in red on the Gantt Chart in the Appendix. This path includes collecting pre-existing data and visitation statistics, creating a site layout, adhering to NPS regulations, and completing quality assurance upon completion. The noted tasks in the critical path are crucial to the completion of the project because the team needs to collect pre-existing data before knowing if further collection needs to be completed. The collection of the visitation statistics needs to be completed prior to the designing the layout because it is imperative to understand the capacity the site experiences. In order to maintain the timing and duration of all items on the critical path, the team will check in with each other, the grading instructor as well as the technical advisor a week prior to each submittal as stated. This will ensure proper time for edits and input from the technical advisor and the grading instructor.