Project Constraints

ADOT Constraints

Upon meeting with ADOT for the first time, it was clear that there were things ADOT did not want us to do. One of those constraints were going to the site of the project to collect any data. All traffic, geotechnical and survey data were provided by ADOT. This was a constraint due to the lack of interaction with the site. If something needed to be observed in the field, the team either had to drive through Route 66 or view it from Google Maps or Earth. Another constraint was that the AutoCAD and Civil 3D drawings for this project needed to be created from scratch using PDF's. This includes a topographic map. Typically, the existing conditions would be provided, but in this case the team needed to create them and use that for the proposed design. This took majority of the 30% and 60% submittal to compete.


Due to the recent pandemic, the fall semester for Capstone was different than usual. This includes all online meetings and interactions, limitations on use of the computer labs access, and changes to the scope of work. This semester for capstone was done completely remotely. This resulted in difficulty to communicate with the client, technical advisor, grading instructor and team members. Mad Max Engineering was able work through this complication and managed to get tasks completed. Limitations put on the computer lab used meant that there were specific times when the project could be drafted and analyses could be conducted. This resulted in an increase in time management for the team. The last constraint that was introduced by the pandemic, was that the scope of work had to be adjusted. Some of the tasks could be taken our or replaced, due to information that could not be found due to time restrictions.