The Town of Camp Verde is planning to construct a Community recreation Park that will include baseball fields, BMX course, Soccer and football fields, trails, picnic areas and more recreation activities. The park is planned to be built on an undeveloped 118 acres of land that the city has purchased. There are currently no engineered plans except topography maps, minor surveying maps, and a conceptual plan for the future.

Understanding and Approach
The Proposed Camp Verde Community park is located on an 118 acre parcel of land on the east side of Camp Verde located between McCracken Lane and States Route Highway 260.A conceptual plan of the park is availbe at this time but no engineering plans have been drawn up at the time of this project. The parcel is located just north of an ADOT drainage basin and experiences a 60ft chane in elevation from the south west corner to the north east corner.
The project will provide preliminary engineering and enviromental services to successfully guide and facilitate he consruction and completion of the community park in Camp Verde. Key objectives for this project include:
-Desiging a entrance roadway
-Developing a rough grading plan
-Layout of Park plumbing and a presentation of alternative plumbing ideas with a reccomindation for the optimal solution

the tasks were broken up into 8 general tasks which included the following: project management, review of exisiting documents, review of maps, site visit, determination of expected use, rough grading plan, water resource system, and entry road design..