NAU Traffic Signal Alternatives
Mission Statement
Northern Arizona University has a notoriously high volume of pedestrians, which is currently
growing at a rate of 20%, traveling across the campus multiple times a day. This high volume
of pedestrians conflicting with the volume of vehicles makes the traffic progression through the
University Dr. corridor congested at times. Considering this unique and challenging issue, IDD
Engineering in collaboration with NAU’s Capital Assets department has been given the task of
re-designing the signal timing plan for the corridor to maximize pedestrian flow while retaining
the appearance and integrity of the campus. These retiming plans will focus on pedestrians as
being the main concern. The alternatives developed for this corridor as well as the
intersections individually will be researched and, from these, a final alternative will be chosen.
From this large influx, it can be determined that NAU needs alternatives to provide a safe and
efficient environment for pedestrians.

Presentation and Acknowledgements
Come check out IDD Engineering's presentation of this project in the Agassiz room of the du Bois Center (NAU) at 10:00
am, April 29.
IDD Engineering would like to send a special thank you to the following professionals for their
Mr. David Hook
• Client, NAU Capital Assets
Dr. Edward Smaglik
• Technical Advisor, NAU Transportation Professor
Mr. Jeff Bauman
• City of Flagstaff Traffic Engineer
Dr. Rand Decker and Dr. Joshua Hewes
• NAU Engineering Capstone Instructors
Last Modified: 4/28/11
Vissim Video
Shown to the right is a short video showing the University Corridor as an output of
Vissim. The Vissim program is used to add timing plans to the corridor and simulate
what would occur in the field.
Milestones of Project
The Milestones of this project include;
1. Regulations Review/Pulic Study
2. Traffic Analysis
3. Recommended Alternatives
4. Final Doumentation/ Presentation
Copyright Northern Arizona University, IDD Engineering