NAU Traffic Signal Alternatives
The University Drive Corridor is located on the NAU campus in Flagstaff, Arizona. The corridor is approximately one mile long but the
focus of the project is on about a 300 foot section on the campus, in-between the University and Knoles intersection and the
Ped-walk intersections. .

The University Drive Corridor traffic signal retiming and alternative research has been conducted by IDD Engineering. This corridor
is located 144 miles north of Phoenix, Arizona and runs through the center of the NAU campus, splitting the North and South sections
of campus. The current conditions of the corridor are acceptable however; future growth of the corridor in its current stage may
provide an oversaturated pedestrian flow. This project examines both a set of new timings as well as many alternatives to the current
geometry and infrastructure of the corridor. The main focus of the project is to improve the progression of pedestrians through the
corridor, both under current conditions as well as projected future conditions.
Copyright Northern Arizona University, IDD Engineering
Problems of Corridor

There were many problems that were encountered through the various tasks performed in this study. The actual conditions of the
intersections in the field proved to be the most significant problem. Conditions that add to the complexity of this study include items such
as the intersections having approximately 300 feet of road in-between them, low visibility in areas due to buildings located near the
Ped-walk, poor platooning of vehicles due to the utilization of stop signs on every approach except westbound, the high peak hour factor
during days of class, and the focus on pedestrians LOS.
During the process of analysis, many obstacles were encountered and overcome. The software packages that are used for traffic
engineering has a high emphasis on vehicle progression and very little, if any, on pedestrians. This was a serious issue because
pedestrians are the main focus of this design. Resolutions of this problem were determined by investigation into the software packages
used, finding adjustments in the software to emulate what is going on in the field and have minimize pedestrian delay.
Last Modified: 4/28/11