
Prototype 1

Photo of adhesive application materials

Adhesive Application Materials

All materials used in the application of the adhesive to the vessel/lesion model. From left to right: vessel model, lesion model, rigid bar, Gorilla Super Glue, isopropyl alcohol wipe.

Photo of lesion model adhered to vessel model

Lesion Model Adhered to Vessel Model

The lesion model having formed a successful adhesive bond to the vessel model's inner wall.

Photo of vessel/lesion model water flow test

Vessel/Lesion Model Water Flow Test

A water flow test of the vessel/lesion model to verify that it can withstand the fluid flow of a typical femoral artery without leaks or blockages.

Photo of Arduino circuit

Arduino Circuit

The Arduino circuit used to collect flow rate data from the calcified vessel model. It contains a flow rate sensor.

Photo of Arduino code output

Code Output

The Arduino code output from the flow rate sensor of the flow rate sensor circuit

Photo of pump & power supply setup

Pump & Power Supply Setup

An image of the power supply used to power the pump and fluid flow system, and the connections between them.

Prototype 2

Photo of new adhesive application materials

Adhesive Application Materials

All materials used in the application of the new adhesive to the new vessel/lesion model. Top row from left to right: large Leatherman multitool, small Leatherman multitool. Bottom row from left to right: lesion model, nitrile gloves, isopropyl alcohol wipe, lesion model, 3M PR1500 adhesive, vessel model.

Photo of new lesion model adhered to new vessel model

Lesion Model Adhered to Vessel Model

The new lesion model having formed a successful adhesive bond to the the new vessel model's inner wall.

Photo of new vessel/lesion model water flow test

Vessel/Lesion Model Water Flow Test

A water flow test of the new vessel/lesion model to verify that it can withstand the fluid flow of a typical femoral artery without leaks or blockages.

Photo of new Arduino circuit

Arduino Circuit

The Arduino circuit used to collect pressure data from the calcified vessel model. It contains an HX711 load cell amplifier and a pressure transducer.

Photo of new code output

Code Output

The Arduino code output from the pressure transducer of the pressure sensor circuit.

CAD Package

Photo of complete CAD assembly

Complete CAD Assembly

The CAD assembly of all parts included in the final design for the calcified vessel model simulation setup.

Photo of 8-in. vessel model CAD part

8-in. Vessel Model

The CAD part of an 8-in. length variant of the human femoral artery, replicated in the calcified vessel model's final design.

Photo of peristaltic pump CAD part

Peristaltic Pump

The CAD part of the peristaltic pump used in the calcified vessel model's final design. It replicates blood flow created by the human heart.

Photo of fluid reservoir CAD part

Fluid Reservoir

The CAD part of the reservoir where the blood analog used in the calcified vessel model's final design will be stored.

Photo of pressure rod sensor CAD part

Pressure Rod Sensor

The CAD part of one pressure rod sensor used in the calcified vessel model's final design. Several pressure rod sensors will be implemented along the design's tubing to measure and record simulated blood pressures.