About Us
The CWC Team is broken up into 3 subteams, Turbine Design Testing made up of a ME subteam and an EE subteam, and Project development. Information about each individual member can be found below!

Turbine Design and Testing
Mechanical Engineering
Elizabeth Freeman
Manufacturing Engineering & Rules Specialist

My name is Ellie Freeman. I am passionate about developing more effective renewable energy systems and being able to not only learn more about wind turbines but also being able to physically build a small scale one. My plan after graduating from my undergrad is to work on my master’s in science degree. I want to use this project as an opportunity to learn more about manufacturing and even welding to have more skills when I work in the engineering industry.

Sergio Zuniga
Website Developer & Connection Creation Manager

Hello all, my name is Sergio A. Zuniga. I first decided that I wanted to study engineering when an engineering professor from a local community college came to my middle school to introduce us to engineering. Almost 7 years later here I am almost completing my undergrad in ME. I've gained interest in renewable energy (go figure) and would like to stay in Arizona and work in the renewable energy industry, as sustainability is important for the Earth's future. In my downtime I like to skateboard, snowboard, hang with friends, just get out of the house really.

Holden Gardner
Project Manager & CAD Engineer

My name is Holden Gardner! I’m passionate about renewable energy methods and the science behind what it takes to maximize efficiency in these up-and-coming areas. Optimization is often a focus of mine. In my free time I do a lot of 3D printing to optimize home devices, with a focus on methods to keep my cat from opening doors. I also run competitively and keep a strong focus on nutrition and fitness.

Niki Wilson
Financial Manager

My name is Niki Wilson. Engineering, for me, is an opportunity to establish positive change that can directly affect the world and its inhabitants. I specifically am interested in wind energy because of its grand potential to replace fossil fuels. I am a big environmentalist, so I have always been passionate about preserving the ecosystem. I plan on building and optimizing turbines for the rest of my career.

Ryan Frost
EE Subteam Lead

Gabrielle Hall
EE Subteam Member

Austin Burrows
EE Subteam Member

Project Development
Samantha Russell
Logistics Manager & Rules Specialist

My name is Samantha Russell. I have a passion for math, machinery, and bettering people's lives! I volunteer in a local fire department as my schedule allows and have a strong sense of community. I decided to pursue an engineering degree because of what I had learned about climate change, and since have also found a passion for working with manufacturing equipment and creating learning spaces through my job on campus. I am passionate about renewable energy systems – especially wind energy – and their impact globally. Once I graduate, I plan to start work in industry.

Alexander Longoria
Data Validation Engineer

My name is Alexander Longoria, and I am part of the Project Development team. At a young age I always knew I wanted to help people by fixing our past mistakes. Therefore, I am pursuing a mechanical engineering degree to allow me to work in the renewable energy industry. After graduation I will be working at Palo Verde Generating Station as an Engineer 1. In my free time, I enjoy working on small household/ personal projects or working on my truck. I feel that my experience with CWC will further my knowledge and exposure in an industry that will better the world.

David Perez
Project Development Subteam Member

My name is David Perez, I have an interest in creating new ideas that can be implemented in designing new models. I have already earned an associate’s degree (General Studies) at Coconino Community College, and I am pursuing a degree in Mechanical Engineering that would allow me to work on creating helpful solutions on issues like Renewable Energy. In my spare time I like to focus on renovating where I live and spend time hiking and climbing. I believe participating in this project would help me learn what I can apply to improve solutions in the near future.

This website handcoded by team member Sergio Arath Zuniga