The Team

Chancelor Cuddeback - Client Contact
Chancelor works in the Biomechatronics lab at NAU. He is very interested in robotics, controls, and human machine interfacing. Chancelor’s enthusiasm and love for knowledge will help continuously push the team forward.

Abdulrahman Alshammari - Document Manager
Abdulrahman is an INTJ personality (Introverted, Intuitive, Thinking and Judging). Being Intuitive is a good thing when it comes to building a project such as Exoskeleton. He can bring good thoughts because he is a thinker personality style. He can help the team with Judging especially when it comes to the final design. Abdul is responsible for all documents including CAD models, computer codes, standards, references and meeting minutes and agendas.

Callum Fisher - Project Manager
Callum is very passionate about rehabilitation technology and robotics that help people in their everyday lives. Is willing to learn new skills to help the team in any way possible to make any task that needs to be overcome easier and will use all the past management skills to organize the team the best way possible.

Alex Frieden - Budget Liaison
Alex has had past experience keeping track of purchases and balancing a budget for several other personal projects. These personal projects required him to be aware of the budget constraints while also researching the best parts able to be purchased which will help to keep the team on budget and on track.

Joshua Davidson - Website Developer
Joshua has previous experience with graphic design, and has worked with a team to create a new logo and set of merchandise for a school (Horizon Honors High School located in Phoenix). He can work to bring together everyone's ideas for a visual style and work to create a professional 20F09_ExoskeletonActuator everyone can be proud to show to future employers.
Client - Dr. Zachary Lerner
Web: Biomechatronics Lab
Office: Engineering Building, Room 210
Technical Advisor - Dr. Sarah Oman
Phone: 928-523-0468
Office: Engineering Building, Room 261