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Picture of all hardware. [ Controller / Digital Torque Amplifier / Encoder / Server Motor / Laptop ]


These are the images of the EE subsystem. This system is designed to swing a golf club and measure the quality of the golf club's shaft and head. The output of the motor shaft is connected to a robot arm that has the club connected to it. From the PC, a YTerm2000 software code is sent to the controller to start the swing. As soon as the golf ball is hit, the launch monitor will measure the speed of the ball and the angle of departure. Using Visual Basic 6.0, a graphical user interface [GUI] is implemented to receive data from other software.
Picture of all hardware. [ Launch Monitor / Laptop ]

Tom Wishon Golf Technology

 © 2004 Golf Club Testing Machine Team 
 1830 S Milton Rd #132 
 Flagstaff Arizona 86001 

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