SSDynamic's Project Description

SSDynamics is taking the SSD testing to the next step using generative testing. By modifying the PlusPy Library, connecting it with NVMe-CLI and logging the output, this should improve upon current testing methods that are currently employed. Our primary objective is to take the current testing method and improve upon it by adding ways to log and more thoroughly test SSDs.

By taking the PlusPy library and modifying it, we can take the vision of our client and put it into reality. It primarily focuses on the input, the definition of the SSD, and turning it into something that Python can parse. Then we convert those Python programs into the NVMe commands to be run on an actual SSD to validate that it works.

NVMe-CLI is the actual command runner, it takes in these parsed Python commands and turns them into the correct opcodes per the specification of the standard. It should be able to get the information, and make sure the SSD can run it as expected, but per iteration. Each generation that our version of PlusPy produces will spit back out output that is expected from the SSD.

The purpose of the project is to primarily improve the testing of SSDs, using current technologies out there, and improving on them.

flow chart of project