Our Project

The Biomotum Problem

Biomotum has developed a functional ankle exoskeleton prototype used for the rehabilitation of kids with cerebral palsy. Although, they do not have an effective way for patients to read the data produced by the exoskeleton via desktop. Rehab Remote's goal is to create a web portal that will display the data in easy-to-understand charts for patients and doctors to view. These charts will allow users to get a better idea of the change in their progress with the exoskeleton, and users can determine if there should be any changes to increase mobility further.

High Level Requirements

These requirements were gathered through meetings with our sponsor and other workers of Biomotum.

Users and admin need to:

  • Access individual data (users) and global data (admin)
  • Access graphical data
  • Have an easy to understand UI
  • Access grouped data by global, clinic, and patient (admin)

  • The initial concept of this project was provided by our sponsor:

    Team Mini Intro