
Requirements Aquisition

Requirements, as we all know, tend to change drastically throughout the development process. This was the case for TeamBandit as well, and despite formatting a detailed requirement specification we have changed gears many times throughout our dev period. Through weekly meetings with our client Dr. Doerry we were able to keep pace with these rapid changes and build the website to his standards even as they continued to evolve. Some examples of this are the email hub, team website, and schedule modules. Each of these are different from their original proposal, whether it be reducing the scope of them or adding new features. A broad overview of our various requirements can be seen below, but more detailed information can be found in our requirements document in the Documentation section.

Some of our key requirements include:
  • Allow course organizer to create an account to save their information
  • Assist our client’s task of keeping track of a mass amount of emails from many clients
  • Provide tools for a course organizer to add a course and manage inner course modules as well as manage students and mentors from within a course
  • Enable organizers to assign students to projects through a built-in Team Assignments
  • Automatically generate team websites, containing details about a pre-existing project
A summary can be seen below