The Power of TeamBandit

TeamBandit is a sophisticated web-application that directly addresses and streamlines the key logistic challenges presented by team-based course organization, including the initial project solicitation, collection and refinement effort; project selection by course students; strategic formation of well-balanced teams; and many other logistics of course execution.

Email Hub

Powerful communication manager that filters and organizes email communications between course faculty, outside clients, and project teams!

Dynamic Team Creation

Organizers have the power to assign students to projects based on their custom preferences, making sure everyone is pleased at the end of the day!

Website Generation

Populate templated websites for your students utilizing the assignments that they have turned in throughout the semester, giving them unique sites such as this one to show off!

Dynamic Data In/Out

With mass data upload using CSVs, switching your classes over to TeamBandit can't be easier. Get useful reports back out using your TeamBandit data.

Assignment Collection

Create custom assignments, allowing students to submit their hard work from inside the application by specified due dates. Say goodbye to heaps of papers sitting on your desk!

Student Accounts

The power of TeamBandit doesn't only work for organizers, students can create their own accounts to view courses they have been added to and select project preferences!