Greg Geary
Release ManagerGreg is from Phoenix, AZ and is majoring in Computer Science. Greg has professional experience with both front and backend web development. In his free time, Greg enjoys snowboarding, surfing, golfing, mountain biking, hiking, camping, and mostly any other outdoor activities.

Wesley Smythe
Team Co-Leader/Client CommunicatorWesley was born in La CaƱada Flintridge, CA, but he moved to Lake Havasu City, AZ when he was 14 years old. He is double majoring in Computer Science and Biology with a minor in Chemistry. In his free time, he enjoys backpacking, hiking, and camping. After graduation, he is looking at becoming a veterinarian or pursuing a career in bioinformatics.

Kainoa Boyce
Team Co-Leader/RecorderKainoa is originally from Kailua, Oahu, Hawaii and is currently pursuing a bachelor's degree in Applied Computer Science. Some of Kainoa's professional experiences include cloud systems engineering, machine learning, and website designing. Outside of his professional life, his interests include surfing, rock-climbing, and skateboarding.

Andrew Abraham
Team MentorAndrew completed his PhD at Northern Arizona University's School of Informatics, Computing, and Cyber Systems in April 2021. He is also a member of the Megabiota lab.
Megabiota Lab
Chris Doughty
Project SponsorDr. Doughty is an assistant professor in ecoinformatics at Northern Arizona University. He is also a member of the Megabiota lab.

Megabiota Lab