
Kimberly Oyama is the main contact, she can be reached at


Any web related resources should be directed to Blayne Kennedy, he can be reached at


Meet the Team

Dr. John Georgas (Project Mentor)

Dr. Georgas is the mentor for Frequency Trackers and despite not having direct hands on with the code is a major influence on the direction of the project. He can be reached at His NAU website can be found at

Kimberly Oyama

Kim is the Team leader and primary customer comminicator.

Chihiro Sasaki

Chihiro being the release Manager is responsiable for releases of current versions of any software that the team composes.

Daren Rodhouse

Daren is the Recorder for meeting and in so keeps up-to-date records on all meeting items.

Blayne Kennedy

Blayne is the Architect and in doing so is responsible for the structure of the software and to make sure that the end product matchs the needs of the client.