- iPhone
- Android phone
- PC
- Macbook
- Apple Developer Network - X Code IDE
- Eclipse Jave IDE
- Apache Tomcat Server Framework
- RESTful webservice
Major Milestones
- Complete the Database
- Advertisements
- Coupons
- Customers
- Merchants
- merchantLocations
- merchantProductType
- subscribeForAds
- subscribeForCoupons
- customerTransactions
- Complete Website
- Complete Android App
- Complete iPhone App
- Complete Statistical Analysis Program
The database will have the following tables:
The login, create account, and modify account pages will be functional. On the user side, the merchant map and the advertisement settings pages will also be complete. On the merchant side, the create advertisement, create coupon, and view advertisements and coupons pages will also be functional.
The application will be fully functional and connect with our server.
The application will be fully functional and connect with our server.
The program will report the correct statistics based on user transaction histories and locations in a timely manner.