Project Information

Project Description Project Location Project Constraints Tasks Gantt Chart Staffing Costs

Project Description

The Concrete Canoe serves as a hands-on experience project for 5 Civil Engineering students to simulate a real-world project. The project consists of designing the concrete mixes, canoe design, and formally submitting documents to the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) based on annually-changing criteria. The goal is to compete against other universities at the Intermountian Southwest Conference (ISWS) and obtain new engineering skills.

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Project Location

The location for the Intermountain Southwest Conference is Logan, Utah. The competition and presentation will take place April 11th to the 13th in 2024.

Figure 1. Utah State map - Courtesy of Dylan Condra

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Project Constraints

ASCE Concrete Canoe logo [6].

From the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), the Concrete Canoe Competition Committee (C4) puts together different sets of rules each year. In order to ensure egibility and the best final product, the team will use quality control and assurance to adhere to the guidelines. Some additional constraints include the directions for submittals in CENE 476 and CENE 486C. For more information about the rules and contraints from C4, please click the following link 

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Task 1: Background Research

The background research on the C4 rules and constraints, research on the types of aggregates, reinforcement, admixtures, and softwares to construct the canoe and perform structural analysis.

Task 2: Concrete Mix Design

The concrete mix designs are made using the different admixtures, aggregates, cement, fly ash, and other materials. In order to appropriately use the materials, the aggregate and concrete have to be tested and analyzed to ensure the mix will function with the size of aggregates, types of fiber reinforcement, and the type of cement and slag.

Task 3: Hull Design

Design the hull of the canoe is created using the specifics in the C4 contraints. Modeling using software such as Solidworks creates the body and hull of the canoe. The structural analyses are performed using punch shear, longitudinal, and other critical tests for the canoe.

Task 4: Decision Matrix

Decision matrices are created to show how well the design will perform based on the necessary criteria such as maneuverability for hull design. This allows for the team to evaluate and make a decision on the best design that meets all of the features desired.

Task 5: Analysis of Final Design

The purpose is to select the final design by using a decision matrix that matches the best criteria. The best design will be chosen from the three mix designs and hull designs created.

Task 6: Canoe Fabrication

The canoe will be constructed first starting with a sytrofoam form and the preparation for concrete, then creating a curing chamber for the canoe when curing after being poured. Finally, the removal of the canoe to get sanded and finished.

Task 7: Pre-Competition

By preparing for the competition in April, 2024, planning the space usage efficiently by Concrete Canoe, Steel Bridge, and Timber Strong. Preparation will also involve paddle practice for the canoe races.

Task 8: Deliverables

Deliverables for both CENE 476 and CENE 486C will be completed by submitting the 30%, 60%, 90%, and final reports, respectively. In addition, some ASCE submittals such as the Letter of Intent and Project Proposal will be required.

Task 9: Project Impacts Analysis

The impact analysis considers three different aspects: social, economical, and environmental. For the social, the canoe helps developing engineers foster new innovative ways to make a concrete canoe. For economical, the goal is to produce the best quality prototype with spending the least amount of money possible. For environmental, the canoe will have recycled materials to further prevent the use or waste of aggregates.

Task 10: Project Management

Project management will be provided throughout the project by ensuring the project resources, schedule, and team members are assisted.



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Gantt Chart

Figure 2. The schedule for the project with milestones listed as diamond symbols.

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Figure 3. The breakdown of hours per tasks per position for staffing.

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Costs of Engineering Services

Figure 4. The breakdown of the costs of each aspect of the project.

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