GANTT Chart & Tasks


Below is the GANTT chart used to schedule our tasks.

GANTT Chart & Schedule


1.0 Project Introduction

2.0 Preliminary Research

2.1 Prestressed Design

Discuss how prestressed reinforced concrete differs compared to non.

2.2 Cracking Load

Learn to calculate the predicted cracking load.

2.3 Ultimate Strength

Learn to calculate the predicted load at failure.

2.4 Existing Data

Compile past NAU PCI teams testing cylinder data for more accurate results.

3.0 Preliminary Cylinder Testing

3.1 Compressive

Perform compressive test of testing cylinders for the concrete compressive strengths.

3.2 Tensile

Perform split cylinder testing to calculate the concretes tensile strength.

3.3 Selection of Concrete Mix

Select a concrete mix design that best fits the competition constraints and judging.

4.0 Preliminary Beam Design

4.1 Excel Set-Up

Develop an excel with hand calculations to predict the cracking and failure load.

4.2 Design Alternatives

Use an iterative process to design 10 beam alternatives using normal weight and light weight concrete.

4.3 Decision Matrix

4.3.1 Weight

Measure the weight of each beam.

4.3.2 Cost

Measure the cost of each beam

4.3.3 Deflection

Use the modulus of elasticity and inertia to determine which beam will have the highest deflection.

5.0 Final Design

5.1 Shear Design

Calculation of the amount and spacing of stirrups required.

5.2 Loss Determination

Calculate the amount of losses occurred in the prestressed strands.

5.3 Concrete Recommendations

Determine what concrete mix will perform better in the competition.

5.4 Cross-Section Recommendations

Determine the cross section that will perform the best. Such as, a Box, T or I-beam.

6.0 Analysis

6.1 RESPONSE Modeling

Use the programing software to model the final beam design.

6.2 Beam Performance Predictions

Compare the hand predictions with those from RESPONSE. Then select the final predictions.

7.0 Beam Fabrication

Oversee the fabrication of the beam at TPAC.

8.0 Beam Testing

8.1 HULK Set-up

Ensure that the old beam is out of the testing lab, and that the device used to test the beam is set up properly.

8.2 Testing

Record video of the beam and results as a loading is applied till failure.

8.3 Results

Record the final cracking load, failure load and deflection.

8.4 Comparison of Predicted vs. Lab Results

Check the difference between the predictions and results.