The kiln is located in Flastaff, AZ on Northern Arizona University's campus.
<NAU's Ceramics Complex is located on the southern most point of campus, near the NAU Police Department and KNAU building.
The following tasks are the major tasks that were needed to complete the scope of work. Further description of each task and their respective sub-tasks can be seen in our final project proposal.
The constraints for this project include:
Our completed project schedule GANTT Chart can be seen below. Our schedule lasted 15 weeks over the course of the fall 2020 semester. This excludes weekends and major holidays.
Our team's staffing hours can be seen in the table below. In total, the team spent approximately 620 hours completing this project.
The proposed and actual costs of this project can be seen in the figure below. The actual budget is approximately $15,000 cheaper than the proposed budget. This is due to the decrease in overall staffing hours.