The proposal presentation covers the client, project background, project purpose, scope, tasks, research, and deliverables completed for CENE 476. The presentation also details the work to be completed in Fall 2019 for CENE 486C
PreviewThis is the NAU Traffic Team’s initial gantt chart for their project. It was current as of April 25th, 2019, the proposal presentation day. The gantt chart details the tasks and subtasks of the project, and it gives deadlines for task and project completion
PreviewThe proposal covers the project introduction, technical considerations, scope of work, project management, schedule, staffing plan, and cost of engineering services. Also contained is the project critical path, or the shortest project completion timeline possible
PreviewThe final presentation details the work completed on the project, the constraints, the client/stakeholder needs, and the recommended solutions for NAU graduation traffic management for the next 20 years
PreviewThis is the NAU Traffic Team’s revised gantt chart to match the current progress of the project. It is current as of November 26th, 2019
PreviewThis report covers the traffic studies conducted, roadway simulations performed, recommended traffic management solutions, project impacts, and likely project costs