Design Objective:
•A design concept report & cost estimate will be developed for the City of Sedona based on 15% plans
Design will address:
•Proposed sidewalks
•Roadway features
•Drainage structures
•Pavement design
Design Process:
•Preliminary Research & Review
•Mapping & Survey
•Geometric Design
•Analysis & Calculations
•Design & Layout
•Cost Estimate
Preliminary Research and Review:
Acquire geotechnical report from Western Technologies
Coordinate all utilities in the project boundary Blue Stake Design Request
Any necessary codes and regulations to be followed:
City of Sedona Stormwater Master Plan
ADA Standards for Curb Ramps
MAG standards
City of Sedona Land Development Code
AASHTO Pavement Design Guidelines
ITE guidelines for residential subdivision street design
ADOT guidelines for driveway location and design
City of Sedona design criteria for drainage
Mapping and Surveying:
•Detailed topographical survey using Trimble R8 GPS Receivers w/ AZGPS corrections
Survey Included:
•Existing pavement/driveways
•Existing drainage
•Existing buildings
•Existing utilities
•Flow lines & centerlines
•Import data to AutoCAD Civil 3D using Trimble Geomatics Office & Eagle Point software
Geometric Design:
•Typical cross section based on The City of Sedona’s requirements
•5’ Sidewalk
•2’ Curb & Gutter- M.A.G STD. 220, Type A on each side of roadway
•12’ Lanes