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NAU Logo
Society of Automotive Engineers
Northern Arizona University
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Our 2009-2010 Officers

President: Caitlyn Henderson

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Vice President: Kyle Godwin

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Treasurer: Hans Taska

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Secretary: Derek Blash

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Communications Chair: Krystal Burchinal

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Publicity Crew Leader: Chad DeAlva

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Webmaster: Amy Cook

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Faculty Advisor: Dr. Constantin Ciocanel

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What is SAE@NAU?
SAE@NAU is Northern Arizona University's chapter of the Society of Automotive Engineers. We are dedicated to the application of engineering principles to transportation system designs. Each spring, SAE@NAU competes in collegiate design competitions sponsored by SAE International. It provides valuable leadership, teamwork, and engineering design experience.

Why should I join SAE@NAU?

How do I join SAE?
First, you should contact any of the project managers listed here and find out when the next team meeting will be held and where or you can look out for our flyers around the Engineering Building that indicate our next chapter meeting. We would love to meet with you and discuss your interests. Each of the teams could always use more help as well create a more fun and diverse group.

Secondly, if you like what you saw at either the team and/or chapter meetings, you can join SAE International with a student membership here. By signing up you wil receive digital editions of all three SAE magazines, online access to all magazine departments and to the Digital Edition archive. Furthermore, SAE membership gives you access to free career and networking resources. Plus, you get a cool little card to show that you are a member of SAE!